Soft Swerve
Post date: Jan 22, 2016 3:13:47 PM
1/22/2016 Reset the tracks on Still and Va. Hill yesterday morning. At that time the snow was dry and there was snow in the trees so at least til then the thaw was not so pronounced up high. Wheel tracks have made for problems setting track on the 7147E leg of Orbit.Have heard of good skiing up on the Foothills Rd. When the temps get as high as forecast it's nice to have set tracks or even snomobile trails since they don't rot as fast as trail tracks. At least until Saturday its time for klister or favorite glide wax. 1/25/2016 I skied Va. Hill on Sunday and at least some of the interior trails as well as part of the trackset loop were run over by some sort of two track snow machine(like a miniature groomer without the grooming.