Grooming Report
Post date: Dec 31, 2013 1:17:08 AM
Still Cr. Loop
12/23/2013 The loop was trackset today with the track being somewhat rough on the heavily used West Pinkham leg. The Cooks Run and Still Cr. legs are in good shape with an excellent base and the kind of snow which is always on a skier's Christmas list.
Viginia Hill
12/26/2013 Orbit loop was trackset 12/23 and appears in good shape except for bottom leg between 7192 junction and 7147E junction. Elk have ambled here but road is fairly passable up to 7147E junction for those who want to start skiing there. Trail broken on interior tracks Skelly,Flattop,Tepee and Cooks Run above 7147E on 12/26.