Merry Schussmas
Post date: Dec 24, 2015 3:33:24 AM
12/23/2015 I set track today at Still Cr. and the Orbit loop at Va. Hill. Still Cr. should be very nice it was lightly snowing when I left. Va.Hill has 8" in the open but no base. The track is mostly good with snonomalies in places due to wheel tracks and some obstacles. The interior trails are not tracked or signed yet but I did snowshoe pack some trails before this last snowfall and certain trails are probably good skiing now. Broke interior trails Flattop,Cooks Run and Tepee 12/24. Heavy timbered areas on lower Cooks Run have no base. Best snow/base are on Flattop,TP and upper Cooks Run.Heard that Still skied well Wed.